SAHIWAL: The sugar crisis has deepened further in Pakistan as the price, in different parts of the country, has climbed to Rs. 130 per kilo gram on Tuesday. According to market sources, the sugar price in Sahiwal and Khanewal has been mounted to a record high level of Rs. 130 per kg. In Lahore, it is being sold on Rs. 105-110 per kg but sugar is not available on the majority of the shops and Utility Stores. In other cities, including Mianwali, Vehari, Okara and Toba Tek Singh, sugar is costing Rs. 110-120 per kg. The shopkeepers of Islamabad and Rawalpindi are selling sugar on Rs. 111 per kg. In Quetta, being sold on Rs. 115 and in Peshawar it is available on Rs. 120 per kilogram. |